Prof. Bao-Sen Shi's Research Group



[1] Z.-Y. Zhou, Y. Li, D.-S. Ding, Y.-K. Jiang, W. Zhang, S. Shi, B.-S. Shi, and G.-C. Guo, Generation of light with controllable spatial patterns via the sum frequency in quasi-phase matching crystals, Scientific. Reports 4, 5650 (2014).
[2] Z.-Y. Zhou, D.-S. Ding, Y.-K. Jiang, Y. Li, S. Shi, X.-S. Wang, and B.-S. Shi, Orbital angular momentum light frequency conversion and interference with quasi-phase matching crystals, Optics Express 22, 20298 (2014).
[3] Z.-Y. Zhou, Y. Li, D.-S. Ding, Y.-K. Jiang, W. Zhang, S. Shi, B.-S. Shi, and G.-C. Guo, Highly efficient second harmonic generation of a light carrying orbital angular momentum in an external cavity, Optics Express 22, 23673 (2014).
[4] Y. Li, Z.-Y. Zhou, D.-S. Ding, and B.-S. Shi, Sum frequency generation with two orbital angular carrying laser beams, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 32, 407(2015).
[5] Y. Li, Z.-Y. Zhou, D.-S. Ding, W. Zhang, S. Shi, B.-S. Shi, and G.-C. Guo, Orbital angular photonic quantum interface, arXiv:1410.7543 [quant-ph].